Please check FWM website for program details, dates and application deadlines. 

We accept applications for the Fall, Spring and Summer terms on a tiered rate system. 

Application requirements

  1. Completed application questionnaire
    a. How did you hear about The Fabric Workshop and Museum? (250 word max)
    b. Why would you like to participate in The Fabric Workshop and Museum’s Apprentice Training Program? How will an apprenticeship affect your career goals and enhance your artistic practice? (500 word max)
    c. Artist Statement (500 word max)
  2. 20 work samples (label files: “last name-file number”, ex: Parker-01; images and video under 2MB and attached as .jpg, .tiff, or .pdf; videos attached as .avi or .mov)
    a. For large video/audio files please create a PDF file (one for each piece) that includes a video still and hyperlink to your vimeo, dropbox, etc.
  3. Reference list with file number, title, date, size, media, and, where applicable, conceptual intent (attached as .pdf or .doc)
  4. CV or Resume (attached as .pdf or .doc)
  5. Two (2) Professional References, must provide: Name, title, phone number, and email address.


Summer 2025

$15.00—Tier 1 applications available: November 1 2024– January 1, 2025 11:59 EST  
Session Dates: May 28 – August 15, 2025
Tier 1 Application Deadline: January 1, 2025 11:59 EST       
Application requirements:
   1. Completed application questionnaire  
   2. 20 work samples, including optional detail images, (label files: "last name-file number", ex: Parker-01) ; images and video under 2MB and attached as .jpg  or .pdf ; videos attached as .avi, or .mov. Large audio/video files must be uploaded as a PDF doc (one per artwork) with an image still and hyperlink to your Vimeo, YouTube, Dropbox, etc.
   3. Reference List with: file number, title, date, size, media, and, where applicable, conceptual intent (Attached as .pdf or .doc)  
   4. Resume or CV (Attached as .pdf or .doc)  5. Two (2)  Professional References. Please provide their: Name, title, phone number, email address

The Fabric Workshop and Museum